When you talk to yourself is it positive or negative self-talk? You think you can do it or do you think the other way around? How do you respond in face of adversity?
Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller talks about the same things that you might have heard from your parents on positive thinking. There is nothing new in the book. Some things proved to be a good reminder.
Good To Remember Things
When kids learn a new thing see their enthusiasm. When adults learn something new see their enthusiasm. Over the years our mental window gets spoiled by the negative perspectives of others. Parents use say negative statements, so do your teachers, friends. We need to remember to clean the window. Have enthusiasm and persistence as that of a child.
"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve" - Napoleon Hill.
Law of Dominant Thought - There is a power within each one of us that propels us in the direction of our current dominant thoughts.
When your dominant belief is that you can achieve your goal, you begin taking the actions necessary to move in that direction.
Vizualize positive images of the desired outcome. To achieve something be willing to do whatever it takes. The doors will open.
"You become a champion by fighting one more round. When things are tough you fight one more round. When things are tough, you fight one more round" - James J. Corbett.
Adversity encourages us to make changes and take action. It takes a crisis or a series of difficulties to motivate them to make adjustments. Problems are life's way of letting you know that you're off course and need to take corrective action.
When someone asks you How are you? Always respond with positive words. Good, terrific. People like to be around positive and enthusiastic people.
Confront your fears. And, still, go ahead and do what you are fearing to do. Be willing to be uncomfortable.
Stay coachable. Build your network.
While there is a lot of content on positive thinking in general. In everyday life, it is challenging to stay positive. Being positive about something might often mean imagining something different than reality. Only thinking and not taking any action also ends up nowhere.
Another thing that needs attention is toxic positivity. There is a fine line between positivity and toxic positivity.