I have had some terrible experiences with swimming pool as well as open water starting from childhood to now. As, a result during my school days when my mother actually wanted me to learn swimming. I didn’t.

Details of some of those experiences

1. I was maybe in class 3rd or 4th. When a female swimming coach threw me in a pool. Assuming that I’ll try to save myself. Move my legs, hands and somehow will come out of water. That’s how many people learn and get over their fear. I did the exact opposite. I cried and cried and cried. Gave up on learning to swim.

2. Around 6-7 years ago. I went for whitewater kayaking. Didn’t know how to swim. Failed at doing even the basic rescue technique. That every participant is expected to do and they do. However, I failed. Panicked, got stuck in the kayak upside down. Breathed only when instructor overturned the kayak upright.

3. I started taking swimming lessons again. Pool in length wasn’t too big. It was around 15 meters. Depth ranged from 3ft to 6-7ft approx. I did manage to learn swimming. However, one other person who was learning. We bumped into one other. Out of panic, he grabbed my hand tightly inside the pool. And, tried to pop out his head by taking my support. It was traumatic to say the least. I couldn’t come out until he left the grab.

3. Around 3 years ago. Tried Scuba diving. As soon I was in the Sea and we started to down at a greater depth. My regulator came out of mouth. I drank lot of salt water. Tried twice on the same trip. And, eventually gave up. Panic.

Learning to Swim 🏊‍♀️

I again gave swimming a shot. Started taking lessons at a nearby pool this was in beginning of 2021. Pool was 3-7ft. After all previous failed attempts. Bunch of apprehensions were already in my mind. While enrolling I asked about teaching approach. “I hope, you don’t throw and teach?”. Thankfully, this time I had found the place. And, pretty decent instructor.

We started from bubbling, holding breathe (I am still not good at it), floating. And, then he pushed me to float and overturn i.e from being on your stomach to being on your back. Then, freestyle, breaststroke. Normal dives, pencil dives. Everything did help.

Here’s the learning log. I wrote when I was at it.

Practiced for around 8 months or so. Then, life happened. Pool started to become overcrowded and I left going to the same place. Almost a year passed, no access to good pool. Resulted in no swimming. At some point in time. I wanted to relocate only to get access to a good well maintained pool. Sigh, that never happened.

Some time back a new pool did open in vicinity. The only catch being depth of the pool is constant 10ft, length is 50m, width is 25m. Only thing to hold is side wall, stairs. Tried going here for some days. Out of fear could never move away from the side wall. Yes, despite knowing basic swimming. 50m needs stamina. Also, it is a different ball game when your feet don’t touch the ground.

This is how it looks

Resumed Swimming 🏊‍♀️

Last week, resumed swimming. With a hope that pool maintenance might have improved. And, maybe less crowd. This time one thing on my mind was to get away from the wall atleast in this calendar year. Since last 2-3 days have been trying my best to be not too close to the wall.


Oh buoy, and it happened today. Way before timeline in my head. I just went for it. Did a pencil dive from one end. Right in the middle lane of the pool. That was the only spot with no crowd. Took the leap of faith and went for it.

It’s a surreal feeling. There is lots to learn. I am only happy with the progress. 💪

There is no sidewall to grab. You complete the lap, and grab the front wall at the other end. It wasn’t just 1 lap. We did 3. 😄

Yessssssssssssss. 💃🏊‍♀️

The more challenging it is to learn a skill. The more rewarding it feels. 💛