Mysore and Yoga School - Experience

Mysore and Yoga School - Experience

At this point in time. The number of experiences I am having is outpacing the number of experiences I have managed to write about. In January of 2024, I enrolled for Mysore Style yoga under Yogacharya Bharath Shetty. The program was for a month.

Post dad’s demise. This was also the first time I was away from home for so long. Bharath Sir, is my yoga teacher’s guru. And, runs a yoga school called Indeayoga, now called as Bharatha Yoga. In 2023, I managed to stay consistent with the practice. Decision to go and experience life at yoga school was more of a reward to self.

It was January 1, 2024. I was traveling from home to Mysore. First flight got delayed. This led to a chain reaction. The flight that was supposed to go to Mysore. Got missed. Due to no other flight. All Mysore passengers, were asked to board Bangalore flight. From Bangalore to Mysore was another 4-5 hours by road. I was avoiding night travel, neither I wanted to miss first class that was scheduled for next day morning 7 AM. Ended up traveling at night alone. Before even school teachings began. I was cribbing at airport “how will I travel?”. A lady at Hyderabad airport said to me “You end up taking the route you try to avoid. That’s life”. It has stuck with me since then.

Those 30 days reminded me of college days. Single room accommodation, 3 times meal. Everyday morning from 7 to 9 AM yoga class. Followed by office. And on some days evening class from 4 to 6 PM.
Post this at around 9 PM optional Satsang for relaxation.


1. Being present. Present moment is bliss. All stress is a result of our oscillating thoughts between past and future.
2. Om shaanti, shaanti, shaanti. Is said 3 times at the end of some prayers. To pray for peace for your self, peace for the environment around you, and last is for universe.
3. The opening and closing chants in yoga. Are generic and has no relevance to any religion. It is for peace and gratitude. Post reading and knowing the meaning. I started saying the chant out loud in the class.
4. The answer to lot of why’s that I used to think after my father’s demise. Got answered on their own after coming across and listening Nirvana Shatakam.
5. Asana’s are foundation. They are not the end goal. Balance is the key. In anything and everything.
6. All 5 directions are important. Forward bends, backward bends, twists, balance, breathing. (I have forgotten the sequence in which they were told).
7. Breathing is important. Are you breathing ?
8. Being a little selfish is healthy. In order to prioritize what you want. ( especially women, who end up being selfless givers because of conditioning ).
9. People were vulnerable, shared common interest, encouraged each other, laughed. Had time of our life’s.
10. Trust the process. No more chasing asana’s poses. It will all come.
11. Met friends, people came from outside India. It was interesting to know their culture, lifestyle, perspective towards life.


1. No Coffee No Prana
2. Aunt Lily’s Bakehouse
3. Chakra Cafe
4. Santosha
5. Old House Cafe
6. Zen Kitchen
7. Teena’s Cafe

Places to visit

1. Mysore Zoo
2. Aquarium
3. Walk around Kukarahalli Lake

Some pictures from Mysore Camera roll, 2024. Loved the city so much. That I went again in March, 2024. 😊

Seeing feed full of pictures from outside India often makes me feel if there is nothing left. Or is India travel left for only those who cannot afford International.

Sure, there might be countless things that might be wrong with this country. However, traveling makes you appreciate the handful which we have. Lakes, beaches, mountains, gardens, seasons, the sunrise, and sunset. I can possibly never get bored of going to any place outdoors. Even if it’s repeat. ❤️